Located in Windsor, Ontario, Canada

University of Windsor is a public comprehensive and research university in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

It is Canada's southernmost university. It has approximately 12,000 full-time and part-time undergraduate students and 4,000 graduate students. Founded in 1963, the University of Windsor has graduated more than 100,000 alumni. The University of Windsor has nine faculties,including the Faculty of Arts,

Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Engineering, Odette School of Business, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Faculty of Human Kinetics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Nursing, and the Faculty of Science.


Intelligence Calculator

You can now calculate your intellectual strengths and weaknesses

We have designed an algorithm that has been based on past Psychological studies in which we calculate a person's intelligence based on their performance academically and with our test evaluation. To know more about the algorithm, please contact Hasan Malik or Clyde Rempillo.


Need help to find your destined career?

Are you confused on what you should take in Post-Secondary studies?

If so, we have designed an algorithm in which we match each student with a career path based on their intellectual strength and weaknesses, studying habits, workload and more. If you wish to know more, please contact the developers.


Do you want to know more about this site?

Check out the 'Developers Page' or email us for any questions and suggestions!


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This is a Capstone Project designed by Clyde Rempillo and Hasan Malik

Winter 2020 - Fall 2020